Are you moving soon?
A move requires more than packing your bags. It would be best to have a complete plan for your home move. This way, you divide and organize everything necessary to fit in your new location.
Not sure how to get started? Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered.
In this article, we’ll outline a few essential floors and steps to decluttering before your home moves. Keep reading for all the info.
Begin Early
The first step to decluttering before your home moves is to begin early. Starting early gives you plenty of time to declutter and organize your belongings.
You can inventory everything and ensure your belongings are kept safe during transit. You can also ensure that any important documents or clothing are kept in a secure location that can be accessed immediately.
Set Goals
Setting goals is essential because it focuses your efforts and allows you to see results. It also gives you something to measure against and keeps you motivated. Goals could be to eliminate one box or bag of items daily or clear out one closet weekly.
The goals must be realistic so you don’t get overwhelmed. You can also break up large tasks into smaller pieces, like taking 30 minutes daily to go through a closet. Having measurable goals makes tracking progress and keeping motivated easier, so develop a plan and start taking action.
Purging is the process of removing unwanted objects and possessions from your home. Anything that you no longer need, use, or love should be cut. Purging can simultaneously be difficult and cathartic, but the result is worth it.
To start purging, list what you don’t want to take with you. You can categorize items into needs, wants, and donations. Once you’ve identified items for purging, it’s time to remove them.
You can hold garage sales, donate them to a local charity, or sell them online. Purging is an essential part of the home moving process that should not be skipped, so invest some time and energy into it!
Separate Sentimental Items
It is essential to separate sentimental items while preparing for a home move. Sentimental items might include photo albums, family heirlooms, and anything with strong emotional value. This is the fourth step in the decluttering process and should be done immediately after discarding unwanted items.
It is counterproductive to let sentimental items become absorbed in the clutter, as it can be difficult to retrieve them afterward. It’s also helpful for the movers, who may not be aware of an item’s importance and discard it if it’s mixed in with clutter.
Discard Broken Items
Broken items can take up space and contribute to unneeded stress during moving. They are also more difficult to pack since they must be wrapped or handled carefully to prevent further damage. Before discarding any broken items, it is essential to consider whether you need them.
If you don’t need it, it may be best to get rid of it to make your move easier and more efficient. If you are unsure about the item, taking a photo, writing down its details, and keeping it somewhere safe is a good idea. This will help you determine if it is something you need before you discard it.
Hire Professional Movers for Large Items
Professional movers can also assist with transporting large items, such as sofas, curtains, bicycles, etc. These movers have the right setup and equipment to move large items over long distances. The expertise and experience of these people ensure that your items are transported.
The right moving company will ensure a hassle-free move. View this moving company to find professionals with the knowledge and experience to make your move smooth and stress-free. They can provide helpful information about upcoming moves and will be able to transport your belongings to their destination.
Pack the Remaining Items in Boxes
This step involves organizing your items according to room and type. When packing your kitchen items, please consider what you need first and how large the box needs to be. You should group your clothes according to the kind of clothing, taking care to label the box and the items inside.
Make sure all the items inside are protected with bubble wrap and packing materials. After all the boxes have been filled, use packing tape to close them. Lastly, label each box with the items inside and the room it will go to in its new home. This will make your move and unboxing process much easier.
Clean Up and Inspect the Premises
You are cleaning up and inspecting the premises before your home move is the last step in the pre-move decluttering process. Cleaning makes the move smoother and provides a sense of finality at a critical life transition. Start by wiping down surfaces, such as countertops and shelves, to remove all dirt and dust.
Ensure all the breaks, ranges, and other fixtures are in working order before moving. Vacuuming or mopping the floors should also ensure no dust or dirt is carried to your new home. Make sure you don’t leave out any corners or spaces while cleaning or inspecting before you move.
Expert Organizing Tips to Make a Home Move Easier
Decluttering can help make your home move more effectively and efficiently. Before packing up, start decluttering small spaces like closets, drawers, and cabinets, then move on to more labor-intensive areas like bedrooms and kitchens.
Doing prep work can help you feel ready to move and minimize stress. Now that you know the steps to follow, get moving and take action to make your home move successful!
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