vibration sensors

A Guide to the Different Types of Vibration Sensors

VWB Blog 1 year ago 25

Vibration sensors are sensors that respond to vibrations. Do you think that sounds too simple to be usefully helpful? Well, think again!

Not only are there different types of vibration sensors for different applications, but what makes them work is surprisingly complex. They are useful in everything from medicine to national security.

But how does it work? Let’s look at all the things you need to know about this vibration technology.

But with dozens of different vibration sensor options, deciding the best one for your application can be difficult. Let’s explore everything you should know.

Strain Gauges

A strain gauge is a type of vibration sensor that is often used for measuring dynamic strain. This type of sensor measures the strain that is experienced by a physical object when subjected to mechanical load or vibration. It works by measuring the change in resistance caused by stress within the object being measured.

The strain gauge typically consists of a resistor attached to an object such as a beam, bar, or shaft. As the object goes through vibration, the resistor detects the strain and signals an alarm or warning when a predetermined force gets reached.

Strain gauges are useful in a variety of applications including vibration monitoring, material testing, automotive part testing, and aerospace component testing. They are typically used for accurate, real-time measurements.

Eddy Current Vibration Sensors

Eddy current vibration sensors are one of the most reliable and accurate forms of vibration sensing technology. They are a type of active sensing device which are commonly used to detect vibrations within rotating machinery. It can be in industrial machines or vehicles.

The sensor works by using a coil of wire to generate an electric current known as an eddy current. When the eddy current gets exposed to vibration, the current changes the frequency and amplitude, allowing the vibration to be observed. This type of vibration sensor is often used to detect and monitor high-frequency vibrations with great accuracy.

It’s also capable of providing a wide range of vibration measurements and is able to work in extreme temperatures. Eddy current vibration sensors are often used in many applications. It can be for fault diagnosis, process improvement, and remote monitoring.

Piezoelectric Vibration Sensors

Piezoelectric vibration sensors use a piezoelectric ceramic crystal as the sensor element. This is capable of detecting vibrational changes. They then convert these changes into an electrical output.

These sensors are generally non-contact. This means they don’t require proximity to the machine in order to detect the vibration. Piezoelectric vibration sensors are useful for monitoring vibration in rotating machines.

On the other hand, if you need wireless sensors, then you can read more about wireless vibration sensors. This might be just what you are looking for.

Choose the Right One for Your Needs

Technology has made so many innovations. It helped to improve the processes of things and prevent failures. Vibration technology is one of the innovations being used these days.

Vibration sensors are essential to detect, diagnose, and prevent potential machine failures. Regardless of the type of vibration sensor you choose, take the time to properly research the applications. This helps you determine which is the right choice for your business needs.

If you need more tips, then be sure to check out the rest of our blog.

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