types of marketing

12 Types of Marketing Your Company Should Be Using

VWB Blog 1 year ago 7

If you want to improve your business strategies, consider incorporating different types of marketing into your plans. But with so much you can try, how should you start?

Each is effective and can be a game-changer depending on where and how you use it. For some, it’s the key to a lifetime of progress and growth.

So, what are the types, and which ones should you try? We’ve put together twelve types of marketing you should use for your company! Let’s start.

1. Digital Marketing

At this age, most companies have been gearing towards digital marketing. Aside from giving you more reach, it provides your company the leverage it needs to automate operations.

When you apply digital marketing strategies to your business, it gives you access to several online resources. It includes effective platforms and tools to optimize your work and performance.

Many also use digital marketing as a business strategy that promotes brands to connect with possible leads through several online means. On top of that, it’s one of the affordable means of business advertising since it doesn’t require you to buy software or a platform.

If you’re on a budget, digital marketing strategies are a great way to reduce expenses without sacrificing productivity. It also comes with several options, so your company can still provide customers with variety.

2. Content Marketing

Content marketing is a more specific digital marketing strategy targeting an audience’s interests. It focuses on generating content attempting to attract a particular target market.

This kind of marketing requires you to publish content across platforms, free or gated. A few familiar places are blogs, social media platforms, podcasts, and more.

Remember that content marketing aims to guide your potential customers aside from promotions. Your content should resonate with your audience and connect them to your brand.

First, you should identify the common concerns or issues among buyers, then build your content from there. This way, you can maintain your brand’s relevance or value to those customers.

An example of content marketing is using catchy slogans in connection with your brand. Depending on the season or purpose, you can also consider different concepts and themes to deliver other messages.

3. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a business marketing strategy involving support from another brand. The typical setup consists of a company promoting products for other companies.

With that, you can also maximize these techniques by partnering with companies that line with yours. You get to promote both of your services simultaneously!

You can use this business advertising strategy to boost your company’s numbers if you’re an affiliate. If that’s the case, be careful to choose a company that will give you the leverage you need rather than feel like a competition.

You and your partner company should feel comfortable promoting each other. So, it’s crucial to find a brand that compliments yours.

Affiliate marketing can also turn into partner marketing later on. But when it changes to this strategy, you and your partner company must campaign for each other.

Teamwork is essential in affiliate marketing. Be sure to work with a business willing to improve your progress as much as theirs.

4. Search Engine Marketing

As you take a closer look at digital marketing, the strategies you’ll find include search engine marketing. It refers to marketing plans that ensure your products or services stay at the top of the searches.

It usually comes in two types: search engine optimization and pay-per-click advertising.

Search engine optimization or SEO practices rank your site or service higher in search engines. That means it goes on the first few pages of searches or even being the very first result!

SEO usually requires you to use and insert keywords into your content. This way, search engines can recognize your page as a reliable source. At the same time, it makes it easier for potential clients to find your page.

On the other hand, pay-per-click is an advertising model that drives traffic to websites. An advertiser pays the publisher every time an ad is clicked.

Aside from increasing visibility, it also boosts traffic to a business’ site. This will later convert to customers and generate more sales.

Pay-per-click advertising benefits you and your partner company. If you want to build business relationships, you might want to consider this strategy.

Although search engine marketing only applies when you promote online, it’s one of the best ways to boost your page.

5. Social Media Marketing

The rise of social media platforms allows brands to promote their products and services.

It also allows you to connect with potential leads with less trouble. But unlike other platforms, you can engage with customers more personally. This means you can connect with your audience using casual, friendly tones.

If you want social media to become an effective marketing strategy, staying consistent and maintaining relevant content is critical. Besides that, it helps to keep your company’s pages active. It lets your audience know you continue looking for up-to-date solutions and innovations.

It’s also best to always add a hint of entertainment to your posts. This way, people who stumble upon your content unintentionally gain interest in the promotion.

A few ways to make this possible include adding compelling captions and images and encouraging customer engagement. It could be through likes, shares, comments, and much more.

Note that more engagement boosts your posts. With that, it reaches even more audiences on the web.

6. Email Marketing

Many companies use email marketing for several reasons, from finding leads to retaining clients. The goal is to keep your customers and prospects connected to your brand.

Companies use email campaigns in business marketing for many reasons. It can increase brand awareness, generate website traffic, promote products, and improve sales.

When you apply email marketing strategies, you should know that there are specific guidelines to follow. Here are a couple of things you might want to note:

  • Let users unsubscribe easily
  • Introduce yourself
  • Make the content concise

And so, you should strategize how to construct each email and build your contacts list. You might want to know that email marketing takes a lot of work if you do it manually. It might feel tiring if you plan to get in touch with multiple prospects at once.

This type of marketing could also urge you to get software or platforms that keep track of email engagement. Moreover, it makes email management easier as a whole.

Some even have features that allow them to automate sending emails after specific triggers. You can also schedule those emails for a particular date. You can prepare them earlier without constantly checking up on them.

7. Video and Voice Marketing

Studies show that companies incorporating video and voice into their business advertising plans get a higher positive ROI. This helps elevate user experiences by providing more creative aspects like sound and visuals.

The way you put them to use also affects the impact it makes on your prospects. For example, video marketing allows you to clarify the purpose of a service. You can also present the functions of your product through promotional demonstrations.

Voice marketing is a relatively new digital marketing technique that utilizes artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) to form meaningful customer interactions.

Voice marketing can range from direct customer interactions using automated phone call systems to hands-on conversations with AI helpers. Voice marketing allows businesses to create a more personal customer experience and tap into a new audience.

Voice marketing can also help increase customer loyalty and brand recognition.

8. Influencer Marketing

Working with influencers is one way to get a broader social media reach. At the same time, it allows you to enter a different market or niche while keeping your product relevant.

Most influencers have a relationship with their audience built on trust and loyalty. If they promote or bring up your product, their audience will follow. It translates into sales and possibly even new regular customers.

You can start on influencer marketing by identifying your target niche, then deciding who to hire from there. One way to find the ideal prospect is by setting criteria. It should include details like their metrics, audience niche, and even your preferred budget.

You can reach out to influencers in many ways. This can be done through their social media accounts, professional emails, marketing programs, or hiring agencies.

Working with influencers doesn’t always mean you get total positive reviews. Some of them are popular for giving honest opinions, which may be why their followers trust them.

Before you choose a specific influencer to work with, do a quick background check. They may or may not be the best fit for you. So, see how they engage with their followers and evaluate products and services.

9. Event Marketing

An event marketing plan is when a brand sets up events to reach its target market and promote its services. Most activities are likely related to the brand to increase visibility and engagement. At the same time, the event aims to let the audience create memories and have fun!

In a way, you can say it’s like influencer marketing because you can invite popular names to the event. If they’re guesting or performing, it encourages their audience to be there too.

10. Print Marketing

Although many would recommend marketing methods that involve technology, you shouldn’t overlook a print marketing plan. Some people still refer to it as traditional marketing. It’s a method that still works effectively until this day.

Not everyone has access to the internet. You might have a target audience that lacks the means to look up your business online.

If so, print marketing is an excellent solution to your promotional needs. It refers to all types of print media, from newspapers to flyers. You will likely find them in the streets, stores, and other public spaces.

Even these days, print marketing generates lots of leads and raises awareness for your brand. It remains an effective marketing plan if you want different ways to get your brand out there beyond the virtual world.

11. Growth Marketing

Experts often refer to growth marketing as the opposite of traditional marketing. Among other strategies, it relates to marketing plans focusing on building customer retention and loyalty.

The methods under growth marketing highlight improvements your company makes from a business and customer standpoint. That’s why many companies consider it a strategy suitable for long-term benefits.

Growth marketing usually comes with two major components. The first is cross-channel marketing, which involves interacting with potential and existing customers across channels.

The second component is A/B testing. The said test identifies similarities and differences between two of the same thing. This way, you can see where the company has greater chances of success.

12. Guerrilla Marketing

Guerrilla marketing is a unique promotional strategy that creates unexpected or unconventional interactions. The primary goal of this tactic is to make the audience feel strong emotions and provoke them to spread the word.

The cost of this marketing depends on how much you want to invest. In most cases, it’s usually low cost and simple but enough to leave a strong impression.

The stronger the impression it gives, the more it gets people to share it through their platforms or by word-of-mouth.

Learn About the Types of Marketing Right Here

Finding a marketing strategy that best fits your company’s needs takes a while. You should know more about each of these marketing methods. The more you understand it, the quicker it will be for you to find a suitable choice.

Remember that you don’t have to stick to only one! If you have the budget, you can invest in different types of marketing. This way, you get to maximize your resources and produce effective results.

Check out the rest of our blog for more tips and guides.

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