puppy potty training

Puppy Potty Training Tips

VWB Blog 1 year ago 22

Studies show that smaller dogs are more difficult to potty train compared to larger dogs.

No matter what size or breed your pup is, potty training can be a stressful period. While your little dog is adjusting to their new surroundings, you also need to make some changes. Certain routines and responses will help while potty training a puppy, but you need to understand why they work.

Keep reading to learn the most effective puppy potty training tips so you and your pup can get into a healthy routine!

Commit to Consistency

One of the most essential puppy potty training tips is to be consistent.

There will be a learning period where you won’t think your efforts are doing anything when they are. A lot of people give up on tactics to try something new, just before puppies would start catching onto the lesson.

Follow your instincts, you can adjust your training if it doesn’t feel right but try to remain as consistent as possible. Each time you change up the lessons or how you respond to behaviors, you delay their understanding.

Learning how to potty train a puppy is a difficult process but it can be sped up by following the same patterns.

Follow Your Routine

When you start housebreaking a puppy, they don’t have much experience with structure.

Puppies rely on routine and structure since they can’t tell the time or communicate their needs as well as humans. Many pet owners don’t realize the impact their routine has on Fido until daylight savings time occurs and the dogs wait an hour early.

Feed your dogs at the same time each day and take them outside afterward. Some pet owners find that waiting between dinner and outdoor time can help them digest food and prevent overnight accidents.

Keep Safe Cleaning Products Nearby

With a new puppy in the house, accidents are prone to happen and you’ll need certain items.

Natural cleaning products are ideal for messes since they won’t expose your pup to dangerous chemicals. Make sure you don’t buy cleaning products made with cinnamon, tea tree, and peppermint, as they are poisonous to dogs.

Although signs may not appear immediately, ingesting or skin exposure can cause a reaction or become lethal.

If your pup has a habit of going to the same places in the house, placing training pads on the floor can help with cleanup. Wipe and sanitize the floors as quickly as possible, especially if you got your dog recently. Some homes and adoption centers aren’t kept clean enough and dogs get exposed to infections and worms.

Invest in Small Treats

Treats often get used while potty training puppies since they are a perfect motivator.

It doesn’t take long for a pup to realize they get a tasty treat when they behave. While caring for a puppy, you should get in the habit of having a handful of treats with you at all times. Since you don’t want to make your dog overweight, make sure you get the smaller training treats.

You can stash them in your pockets, purse, or doggy bag while on the go too!

Bond with Your Pup

Imagine being taken away from your family, put into a new home, and expected to know where to go to the bathroom.

Puppies are smart, but they need to feel safe and comfortable in their home. Before you try using a spray bottle to handle accidents, make sure you build a strong connection. Playing, cuddling, and feeding your pup can help you bond.

Having a strong bond will increase your dog’s sense of loyalty, which will help during training. They are more likely to listen and respond if they aren’t acting in fear.

Learn More about Your Dog

Understanding the behaviors and attitudes of your dog’s breed can help with potty training.

Looking at Dalmatian resources can help you learn about training for their temperaments. Some breeds are more obedient than others, but it’s important to remember that you’re dealing with a puppy. Puppies are like toddlers, and although they can communicate, potty training is still a process.

Pomeranians, Jack Russel Terriers, and Dachshunds are some of the most challenging breeds you will work with. If you have a German Shepherd, Lab, or Border Collie, training might come easier.

Reading books and searching for info online can help you discover the best tips and tricks for your pup.

Use Positive Reinforcement

Even if your pup is still having accidents in the house, you need to use positive reinforcement.

Each time your dog lets you know they have to go or successfully goes outside, acknowledge it. Get excited and praise them for the behaviors you want to see continue, but don’t delay the positive reinforcement. Waiting too long can prevent them from making the connection to go outside.

Aside from treats, you can offer petting, playtime, or cuddles to encourage progress.

It’s important to note that punishing your dog with negative reinforcement won’t lead to positive results. Punishment can increase tension and your dog might act out from confusion and stress. These methods are outdated, so avoid yelling or putting their nose in accidents.

Take the Stress Out of Puppy Potty Training

Puppy potty training can take several days to weeks to complete, but once your dogs learn, it will benefit your home.

Between strict routines, research, and identifying cues, it’s no wonder pet owners lose their patience. Sticking with your habits and using positive reinforcement can get you both closer to the finish line and keep the house clean. Don’t forget to build a strong bond with your new family member, it can improve their listening skills.

Be sure to read our blog for more content about training your pets and caring for animals!

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