Some people assume that guest blogging is not possible for most people. However, in 2020, there were more than 31 million bloggers in the United States alone. On top of that, about 76% of editors plan to publish between 1 and 10 guest posts every week!
That means that if you want to submit a guest post to a blog, there are a lot of platforms that might be interested in what you have to offer. At the same time, there are a lot of other guest bloggers out there competing for the same opportunities.
Many people also hesitate to start submitting guest posts if they have never done so before. The more you know about the details of finding guest post opportunities, the easier it will be for you to take the plunge and do so. So what do you need to know to submit a guest post to a blog?
Read on to learn all about the top things to keep in mind when you want to be a guest blogger!
Consider Many Guest Posting Sites
The first thing to keep in mind is that you will often deal with rejection when you submit a guest post to a blog. However, you can’t let that keep you from continuing to try. In most cases, all you have to do is keep trying to find a blog that will be happy to feature you as a guest blogger.
However, that means that you will want to look at many different blogging options. That way, even if many of these options reject your post, there is a good chance that one or more of them will accept your application.
Of course, this means that you will need to find many different guest blogging opportunities that might accept your content. One way to do this is to use a search engine.
You can search for terms like “guest post” or “contributing writer.” However, you should combine those search terms with keywords relevant to what you want to write about. Otherwise, you will find many irrelevant sites that will not be interested in the kind of content you will write.
Keep Track of Your Guest Blogging Applications
It can be easy to lose track of guest blogging opportunities. That is why it is important to make sure that you are organized and keeping track of all of your different guest post pitches.
Make sure to write down every platform that you send a pitch to. You should also take note of any sites that display interest in what you have to offer. If a platform accepts one of your guest posts, you should come back to them again and again with further pitches.
In other cases, you will find a platform that welcomes your pitches in the future but is not available to take your guest post right now. In the moment, this can feel like a demoralizing reply. However, in the long run, having more platforms open to future pitches will help you find greater success as a guest blogger.
Customize Your Guest Blog Post Pitches
Guest post bloggers often have to send out many pitches to many platforms. As a result, you might be tempted to copy and paste the same message to many different platforms. However, that is a good way to minimize the chance that any platform accepts your pitch.
Although it takes longer, it is more than worth taking the time to customize your pitch to each platform you get in contact with.
If you decide to reach out to a site like mydreamgadget, you should look at the kind of content they have posted in the past. You should also look at any topics they have been giving more attention to in recent weeks and days. That way, you can display some understanding of what they are doing and explain to them why you think your post might be the right fit for their needs.
Follow Up After Your Initial Pitch
In many cases, you will not get any reply back from a platform you contact with a guest post pitch. However, that does not mean that you should never reach out to them again. Instead, you should follow up and remind them of your initial pitch after 2 or 3 weeks.
If you still don’t get a reply, it is often a good idea to stop following up. However, you will often find that people will apologize for failing to reply and give you helpful feedback about your pitch.
Use Relevant Guest Blog Topics
When a platform accepts your pitch for a guest post, make sure to tailor it as much as possible to fit the platform’s needs and style. That goes double when you are working with a platform for the first time. Making a good first impression will maximize the chance that you will get many future guest blogging opportunities.
Especially with your first guest post with a platform, you might even want to de-emphasize your preferred topic in order to create a post that you think the platform will appreciate even more.
Maintain a Dialogue With the Editor
Once you have submitted your post, make sure to reply to the comments and communications of the editor promptly. Cultivate your relationships with editors and you will have many more opportunities to write guest posts on their platforms in the future.
Know How to Submit a Guest Post to a Blog
It can be intimidating to take the first steps necessary to become a guest post blogger. However, learning more about how to submit a guest post to a blog can help you overcome your hesitation. With enough time, you can use guest blogging as a powerful tool for helping to build your connections and audience.
To learn more about the latest information in guest blogging, business, and more, take a look at our other articles!

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