shop for cars online

How to Shop for Cars Online: Everything You Need to Know

VWB Blog 2 years ago 51

Before the pandemic, less than 2% of car sales were completed online. Compare that with nearly 30% of new car sales happening online in 2020.

Buying a new or used car is earlier than ever with online shopping.

Never shopped for cars online before? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Here we break down everything you need to know to shop for cars online with confidence.

Research the Right Car for You

One of the most revolutionary aspects of the internet is the amount of information you have at your fingertips.

Rather than being at the whim of whatever salesperson you’re dealing with, you can take your time researching about types of cars, and reading online reviews will help you make a choice you won’t regret in a few months.

Once you’ve narrowed down your make and model, you can compare car prices of new vs. used cars. Again, take your time and shop around to see where you can get the best deal.

Test Driving

If you’re buying a car online, this is still an essential step.

Even if you’re not going to go home with the exact same car that you drive, you’ll want to know you’re going to like the look and feel of the model you’re buying. Being behind the wheel is the only way to do that.

Already know you want the new Ford F150? Head to your local ford dealer to start test-driving cars. You may be surprised and find yourself eyeing that mustang by the end of your test drives.

Vehicle History Report and Vehicle Inspection.

If you’re buying a used car, make sure you take a look at the vehicle’s history report. A reputable dealer will have the standard CARFAX history report available for you at no charge.

But don’t just trust the CARFAX. You’ll also want to get the vehicle independently inspected by arranging to have it thoroughly gone over by a third party.

Something of a gearhead yourself? You can also go and check it out in person, though if you’re buying a car long-distance this might not make sense logistically.

Receipts and Return Policies

This should be a no-brainer when buying anything online, but make sure you know the details of the return policy from the company or dealership you are purchasing from. You never know what will come up once you have the actual car and take it out on the road.

And keep the receipt! In most cases with online purchases, this will come in the form of an email. So make sure you bookmark it so it doesn’t get lost in your junk mail.

Shop For Cars Online Now

With so many dealerships offering online sales and websites dedicated to online car shopping, getting started is easy now that you know what to look out for.

Shop for cars online now by checking out any of the major online care retailers. Your new car is just a google search away!

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