know how to Care For Handmade Rugs And Carpets in your home

How To Care For Handmade Rugs And Carpets

VWB Blog 1 year ago 19

It takes time, skill, and expertise to make something by hand. As a result, handmade items are more expensive than their mass-produced, machine-made counterparts. The same goes for handmade rugs and carpets. 

Whether hand-knotted, handwoven, or hand-hooked, carpets and rugs made by human hands in a specially designed loom are expensive. They boast durability and help provide unique aesthetics for your home. However, knowing how to care for them properly is essential. 

In this article, you’ll learn a few tips to maintain handmade rugs and carpets in tip-top shape and maximize their lifespan. 

  • Professional Cleaning Is A Must

If you think hiring a professional is an added expense, think again. Despite all your cleaning efforts, debris and grime will always find their way deep into the fabrics. Eventually, they’ll accumulate and cause damage to your handmade rugs and carpets. 

Hiring the experts to maintain your rugs and carpets in high-traffic areas ensures deep cleaning of these items. If you’re curious, read more about how rug cleaning works. Reliable professionals like Rug Wash Specialist have the experience and tools to clean your handmade rugs and carpets, eliminating hidden and stubborn grime. 

They can help restore the appearance of your handmade rugs and carpets, making them look fluffier and ensuring cleanliness. Professional cleaning can extend the lifespan of your floor furnishing investment. 

  • Be Careful With Vacuums

A vacuum cleaner is the best tool to keep your handmade rugs and carpets clean and fresh. Regular vacuuming removes dirt, dust, and microorganisms from the surface of your rugs and carpet. Also, it keeps the fibers from flattening out due to heavy foot traffic, ensuring a fluffy and vibrant texture. 

On the other hand, being careful when vacuuming handmade rugs and carpets is essential, especially if you have a vacuum cleaner with a beater bar or a power brush. These attachments are excellent at agitating carpet fibers to loosen deep-seated dirt. 

However, the agitating motion of a beater bar can create a raking effect on the top layer of a handmade rug’s pile or even cause a run. If your handcrafted rug features fringes, a power brush can cause tangling or shredding of the fringe fibers causing rapid wear. 

Consider using a plain vacuum nozzle. Keep the vacuum head at a higher setting to ensure proper airflow and suction. Also, vacuum your carpet in every direction to effectively loosen dirt and fluff the fibers. Slowly glide the vacuum head over your carpet to remove deep-seated dirt and debris. 

  • Beat And Wash

In addition to frequent vacuuming, you can take your handmade rugs outside to clean the old way: rug beating. This traditional rug-cleaning method was common even before the vacuum cleaner became popular. Some consider it more effective than vacuuming since whipping helps loosen stubborn dirt. 

Start by putting the rug on a clothesline or rail. Whip it using a sturdy and thick stick or a carpet beater and watch the accumulated dirt and debris fall. After beating your rug, you can wash it with gentle soap and water. 

Meanwhile, kitchen ingredients like vinegar and baking soda can deodorize and sanitize your carpets. Use a soft-bristled brush to scrub stubborn stains and dirty areas. After washing, rinse them thoroughly and leave them to air dry. 

Please note that this option is only suitable for area rugs. For installed carpets, it’s best to clean them with regular vacuuming or with the help of professional cleaning services

  • Rotate Regularly

One of the easiest ways to care for your handmade rugs and carpet is to rotate them regularly. Rotating your rugs at least every six months for high-traffic areas is best. It helps distribute wear and tear evenly. Also, regular rotation prevents isolated patches of color-fading sunlight exposure. You can also inspect your area rugs and check for issues with their fibers. 

Meanwhile, blocking direct sunlight can protect wall-to-wall carpeting from premature color fading. You can use curtains to minimize the effect of the sun on your carpet. You can also rotate your furniture to prevent matted fibers and ensure the even wear of wall-to-wall carpets. 


Handmade rugs and carpets will always be superior to machine-made options in terms of durability, uniqueness, and sustainability. However, a better standard of care only makes sense to maintain their look and condition, given their higher price tags.

Fortunately, taking care of your handmade rugs doesn’t have to be a challenge. Follow the above tips to help you care for your handmade rugs and carpets, so they can continue elevating your interior aesthetics. 

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