French Bulldog Puppies

The Ultimate Guide to Caring For French Bulldog Puppies

VWB Blog 1 year ago 54

French bulldogs are taking the world by storm, consistently ranking as one of the most popular dog breeds. Their irresistible wrinkled faces and friendly personalities make them a great addition to any family.

Like all puppies, Frenchies are prone to specific health conditions. Keep an eye out for respiratory issues, allergies, and hip dysplasia.


Feisty, friendly, and affectionate, French bulldogs are a people-pleaser that rank as one of the most popular breeds in the United States. Their brachycephalic (flat-faced) anatomy and charming personalities make them easy to love but also require special care.

Regular baths are necessary for this soft, non-shedding coat, which can be kept clean using a pet shampoo recommended by your veterinarian. Frenchies are also prone to ear infections, and keeping the ears clean is essential. Use a pH-balanced ear cleaner made specifically for dogs to keep your Frenchie’s ears healthy.

Because of their short snouts, Frenchies are susceptible to breathing problems in hot weather. Keep them out of direct sunlight and ensure they have access to cool water at all times to avoid overheating. Watch for signs of heat stroke, including excessive panting and weakness.

Like many other flat-faced breeds, Frenchies are prone to brachycephalic airway syndrome, which causes narrow nasal openings and a small trachea (windpipe). It can lead to difficulty breathing, especially during exercise, so monitoring your dog’s activity level closely when the temperature rises is crucial. This breed is also prone to back injuries, so protect their joints by training them to climb stairs instead of jumping and using harnesses and leashes when taking them on walks.


Because of their brachycephalic (short-headed) anatomy, Frenchies need firm but gentle guidance from their people. They’re not considered one of the most intelligent dog breeds, but they understand commands and may choose to obey or disobey based on their mood. Training is essential, and it’s best to start with basic obedience, such as sit, stay, down, and heel. Use treats to help motivate your pup, and be consistent.

You must expose your dog to various individuals and circumstances as part of their training at Pawrade to develop a healthy lack of anxiety. As an adult dog, it will make their life happier and more tranquil.

Remember that Frenchies are not yappy dogs and will not bark without good reason. If you notice your puppy getting nervous, whining, or barking at inanimate objects, bring them outside to eliminate them. They prefer to keep where they sleep or eat, which can cause serious medical problems if not corrected.

Another common health problem for Frenchies is digestive issues, especially chronic diarrhea, and vomiting. Your pup will likely need a special diet and medication to correct this. Finally, watch for signs of eye trouble, such as redness or excessive tearing. Distichiasis is expected in this breed and is caused by extra hairs that rub against the eyes.


Frenchies can have various health issues, especially as they get older. Inflammatory bowel disease, or IBD, is common in this breed, and it causes the stomach and intestinal lining to become thickened, making it harder for your pet to absorb nutrients. It’s an autoimmune disorder and requires long-term medications to keep symptoms at bay.

Like all dogs, Frenchies need vaccinations to stay healthy. Vaccines protect against diseases and illnesses like parvovirus, distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, rabies, and more. These are typically given in a series for your puppy’s life, beginning at birth.

Due to their shortened noses and flat faces, Frenchies are prone to respiratory issues, including brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome (BOAS). This condition makes breathing hard for them and can be made worse by heat and exercise, so they’re best kept indoors in warm weather.

Other common French bulldog health problems include eye issues such as keratoconjunctivitis sicca or dry eye. It’s an inherited condition and can be exacerbated by certain medications, low tear production, or eye trauma.

Frenchies are prone to spinal disc problems and back pain due to their weakened spines and short rear legs. These can be caused by injury or simply the aging process, leading to your dog exhibiting signs such as difficulty walking, weakness, swaying, vomiting, or diarrhea. Treatment often includes medication and a special diet to help your pup live a comfortable life.


Frenchies are irresistible, primarily because of their lovable personalities and cute-as-can-be appearances. But these dogs also have a few health challenges that owners must be aware of, especially when feeding them.

Since they’re small, Frenchies must eat a lot to get the calories they need to stay healthy. Their stomachs can be sensitive, so it’s essential to be careful about adding too many new foods or ingredients. It can trigger allergies in puppies, which can cause vomiting, diarrhea, skin problems, and excessive itching.

It would be best if you also were careful about feeding your Frenchie table scraps, which are high in fat and calories and can lead to obesity in this breed. Frenchies should be given a portion of well-balanced dog food and have fresh water to drink several times daily.

They don’t need a lot of exercise, but daily walks will keep them fit and healthy. You should monitor them closely on hot days to ensure they don’t overexert themselves. It is crucial because this breed has degenerative myelopathy, which causes weakness in the hindquarters and difficulty walking. Several treatment options are available, including physical therapy and acupuncture. In some cases, medication may also help. It is a hereditary disease, so your puppy’s family history will be essential to determine the likelihood of your French bulldog developing it.

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