extranet vs intranet

Extranet vs Intranet: What’s the Difference?

VWB Blog 2 years ago 61

We spend approximately 6 hours and 55 minutes on the internet every day, either using intranet or extranet.

Knowing the difference between the two is essential, especially if you’re a business concerned about protecting your data. But, like with all tech jargon, understanding the difference can feel overwhelming. Perhaps it’s that curiosity that brought you here; you want to widen your knowledge and you’re searching for advice.

Hit the nail on the head? Luckily, we’ve got you! Here’s everything to know about extranet vs intranet.

Understanding the Basics

Before we dive into the difference between intranet and extranet, it’s important to know the definitions.

“What is intranet?” You ask.

Know, it’s a private network that organizations use to collaborate and communicate with one another in real time. We know this by the prefix “intra,” which means inside or within. If you’re interested in this route, check out these SharePoint consultants.

The extranet works like the intranet because it’s also a security system that exists within a business. But the main difference is it connects with outside networks, so businesses can connect with their suppliers and customers.

Benefits of Intranet

There is a range of benefits when using the intranet for business.

Modern intranet solutions securely store and share important information. This means team members can access it, whether they’re working in the office or at home. Also, many organizations use intranet networks to improve internal communications and productivity.

Further, an intranet network is useful for managing projects, especially ones that have a specific deadline. Because it functions as a digital workplace, employees can receive tasks and notifications to make amendments. This also lets managers monitor their team’s workflow and figure out who is behind on their tasks.

Benefits of Extranet

Before you know the answer to “what is extranet?”, we can jump into its advantages.

Companies use it to connect with outside servers, especially their customers. For instance, if you have a client who places regular orders from your organization, the extranet lets you do this. As a result, you can update orders and process invoices, saving you a huge amount of time.

Another major benefit of using an extranet is it boosts customer satisfaction. This is because clients can upload documents and leave comments around the clock, regardless of whether you’re in a similar time zone. Because of this feature, it streamlines the process and increases the chances of customers coming back.

Also, many organizations worry about how secure this system is, but this isn’t a concern. Note, that the medical and insurance industry relies on extranet solutions, which shows how ironclad the security is.

Extranet vs Intranet

Hopefully, you now know the difference between extranet vs intranet.

Although both seem similar on the surface, the extranet lets you access the outside world, which is crucial for businesses. Both are essential, though, because it lets you communicate with your team while protecting valuable information. What’s not to love?

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