
Everything You Need to Know About Molybdenum Steel

VWB Blog 3 years ago 0

Did you know the market for Molybdenum is worth over half a billion dollars? It’s more in demand than ever. With industrial giants appearing globally, people are curious about molybdenum steel.

So if you’ve ever asked yourself, “Is Molybdenum a metal?”, then read on. We’ve got the answers and more!

What Is Molybdenum?

Molybdenum isn’t a metal itself, but it’s popular as an alloy in production. It’s an element found in both ores and rocks. This element has many uses, including use cases in steel making.

The metallic form of molybdenum looks like silver-white powder. When heated up, it turns into a yellowish-brown liquid called stibnite. Stibnite melts at about 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit.

That in itself makes it easy to work with when melting metals. Once melted down, it will solidify again once cooled off.

The oxides of molybdenum look like other oxides such as iron ore. They have a reddish color and are usually black.

Molybdenum Benefits

There are several benefits to using molybdenum in your projects. First, it helps prevent rusting. Second, it improves the strength of steel.

And it also reduces friction between surfaces. Let’s take a closer look at each one of these benefits.

Prevents Rusting

Rust occurs when oxygen reacts with certain elements. One of those elements is zinc. Zinc reacts with oxygen to create zinc oxide.

Suppose there isn’t enough molybdenum present. The amount of zinc oxide produced will increase, causing rusting.

Improves Strength

Steel often needs to be strong enough to withstand manufacturing forces. To do this, it must contain enough carbon and manganese.

These two elements make up over 90% of steel composition. Yet, without molybdenum, the steel won’t hold together well.

Reduces Friction Between Surfaces

If you use any lubricant, chances are it’ll wear out over time. That means you need to replace them often. But why would you want to put something onto your surface that wears away fast?

Well, molybdenum doesn’t react well with oil-based substances. So, instead of wearing away, it bonds itself to the surface, creating a protective layer.

Molybdenum Uses

Now you know all about molybdenum and some of its amazing properties. So here are some ways you might find it useful.

Steel Manufacturing

Molybdenum prevents rusting. Because of this, it can help keep your steel products free from corrosion.


Molybdenum works great with oils. Thus, it’s useful for reducing friction between moving parts.


Some electronic devices need high temperatures to operate. Manufacturers ensure that electronics continue to function by adding molybdenum to their components. That’s true even when exposed to extreme heat.

Medical Devices

Medical equipment often requires very clean conditions. Adding molybdenum allows medical professionals to perform procedures safely.

Other Industries

There are plenty of industries where molybdenum can improve performance. For example, mining companies may add it to machinery to protect against oxidation.

Molybdenum Price

In recent years, the molybdenum price has been on an upward trend. That’s due to increased demand for industrial applications. The most popular application for molybdenum right now occurs in stainless steel production.

Although prices vary with supply and demand, they’re still stable compared to gold. You can learn more about Stanford Advanced Materials molybdenum.

Use Molybdenum Steel Today

Many think of Molybdenum Steel as a metal, but Molybdenum itself is an element. It can reduce rust and friction, and increase hardness, which is why it’s valuable in making steel.

Keep reading the rest of our blog for more informative content!

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