custom website development

Cost-Saving Strategies for Custom Website Development

VWB Blog 1 year ago 22

Nearly 90% of website visitors won’t return to a site after a bad experience. Meanwhile, 70% of online brands fail due to bad website usability. If you’re not prioritizing your website development, you could lose customers.

Custom website development can get expensive if you’re not careful, though. Here are a few tips to help you save money while improving your website. With these cost-saving strategies and help from a custom website developer, you can make a wow-worthy website.

Read on to learn more.

Set Clear Goals

Before you start messing with the backend of your website, take a moment to outline clear goals. Determine which of your goals are a priority, too. Outlining your goals and priorities can help you make informed website development decisions.

For example, you might want to:

  • Add eCommerce capabilities
  • Improve the user experience
  • Ensure mobile optimization
  • Improve page load times
  • Appeal to Google’s Core Web Vitals

Without a clear goal, you might make too many random changes to your website. Those hours spent on website development can add up, leading to expensive, unnecessary changes.

When outlining your goals, consider how they align with your marketing or business goals.

For example, if you’re worried about your search engine rankings, focus on appealing to Google’s Core Web Vitals. Appealing to Core Web Vitals will improve the user experience on your website. Your rankings will improve, helping you generate more website traffic and brand awareness.

If you want to generate more sales this year, prioritize eCommerce website development instead.

To save money, measure twice and cut once. Develop a wireframe and note where you want to make improvements.

If you already have a website, audit your existing site to determine where it needs help.

Outlining your needs and goals will ensure you spend less time in the dark and more time investing in changes that matter.

Know Your Audience

If you want your website to accomplish your marketing and business goals, you need to understand your customers. Think about the pain points your users face when exploring your website. Remember, a negative user experience can scare potential customers away.

If your website isn’t updated with the end user in mind, it won’t help your business grow.

Consider sending your customers a survey. Learn about their prior experiences on your website.

Plot every phase of the buyer’s journey to determine how people interact with your site. What pages do they visit first? Determine if they are having trouble checking out from your eCommerce store or filling out a form.

Understanding your end users will help you make smarter changes to your website. It can also help you cut costs by prioritizing.

Consult Your Developer

Work with your website developer to make smart, cost-effective decisions regarding your website development. Relying on their experience and expertise can help you cut costs without cutting corners. Make sure you discuss your priorities and goals before making any final decisions.

Talk to your website developer about their fee structure, too. Most companies either follow a fixed-price model or a time and materials (T&M) model.

With the T&M model, your website development is determined based on the magnitude of the project. The scope, delivery, and features are flexible and open to on-the-go changes. You can set up payments on a monthly basis.

The fixed price model, on the other hand, is ideal for easily predictable or simplistic projects.

Adjust Templates

Working based on an existing template can help you save time and money. However, you shouldn’t mimic the template entirely. Instead, make changes to the template to ensure the website aligns with your branding.

To save time, choose a template that already meets the majority of your requirements. Avoid templates that involve too many extra features, which can cause load times to lag.

You can also save money by using free stock photos and open-source fonts.

This semi-custom approach will help you choose options that suit your budget without compromising functionality or the user experience.

Remove Unnecessary Features

Too many website features, pages, and plugins can cause your website to lag. If you want to improve the user experience, cut back. Avoid any features that don’t align with your needs or benefit the user experience.

Consult your website developer to determine which plugins and features you need.

Cutting back on plugins can save you time in the future, too. You won’t have to update a dozen different plugins every few months. Some plugins clash, causing websites to crash during updates.

Instead, scale your website’s features over time based on your existing needs.

Remain agile with your website development needs. As new trends emerge, you can adapt to user expectations to meet current demands. Trying to appeal to too many trends at once, however, can hurt your website.

As you start making changes to your website, always prioritize usability over visual impact. If your website is difficult to use and navigate, you’ll lose customers. Instead, follow best practices and make sure your website is as user-friendly as possible.

Save Money With Custom Website Development

Custom website development doesn’t have to feel costly. Instead of blowing through your budget, work with an experienced website development agency. Their expertise can help you make informed, cost-effective decisions.

With their help, you can make a user-friendly website that still makes a positive first impression.

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