masonic challenge coin

A Guide to Designing a Custom Masonic Challenge Coin

VWB Blog 1 year ago 38

Challenge coins have been in circulation since World War One, and they’ve grown in significance and use over the past century. These types of coins are an excellent way to bring select groups together and build unity. Learning to design and create coin designs is a fantastic way to get your employees and friends into the fold with a challenge coin collection.

You’ll need to know several things about challenge coins and coin designs before creating your first one. Making a timeless Masonic challenge coin is a noble goal, and you must think through each step of the process.

Fortunately, you’ve discovered this illuminating guide to challenge coin design. Continue reading to create the perfect challenge coins for your lodge today!

Consider the Coin’s Purpose

The first thing to consider when designing a Masonic challenge coin is the coin’s purpose. Know who you’re creating the coin for and what you want it to represent. Challenge coins are the perfect way to honor achievements and deeds, so consider the recent acts of your lodge to find inspiration.

You can use your Masonic challenge coin to pay respects to other members or as a way to raise money for the lodge. Remember that you’re designing a symbol for a significant group of people Find meaning in your coin by learning more about masonic coins.

Draw Your Ideas

After determining the coin’s purpose, you’ll want to spend time drawing up ideas and concepts for your challenge coins. Have a clear vision of the coin before you start drawing. Find imagery and colors that mesh with your lodge to represent the group you belong to.

If you’re worried about your drawing skills, consider hiring a professional artist. You want to make sure you design a symbolic coin for valued members of your community.

Consider Plating Options

The plating you choose when creating coin designs is crucial to consider. Your options for plating change the coin’s design and color and will add or detract from its durability. Gold and silver are two popular options many designers choose.

Consider how the plating and the colors you’ve chosen for the coin will interact before finalizing your design. Using the best colors with a stunning plating option results in a Masonic challenge coin your lodge members will be proud of.

Tell a Story

The most critical element of your coin’s design is the ability to tell a story. Share the story of your lodge through challenge coins, and ensure that every member and recipient understands the story. The story doesn’t need to be complicated, but it should add meaning to your lodge.

Build Your First Masonic Challenge Coin Today

Challenge coins began as a tool to bring soldiers close together, and it has evolved for use among other groups and communities. Designing a Masonic challenge coin starts with a design and story that resonates with your lodge. Hire a professional artist to capture that story and choose plating and colors that resonate with your recipients.

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