lawn care services

Is Your Grass Dead or Taking a Break? 4 Signs It Needs Help

VWB Blog 1 year ago 25

If you’re wondering, if your lawn is dead or taking a break, there are a few things you can look for to tell whether or not it will or can rebound on its own.

It’s important to recognize the signs that signal a dying lawn. Depending on what the issue is, your lawn will sprout back quickly, or you’ll need to provide care, attention, and lawn care services to make it great again.

Here’s what you need to know.

1. Grass Begins to Thatch

Once your grass starts to thatch, it’s a sign that it’s not healthy. Thatching is when the dead organic matter accumulates on the soil surface. This can be caused by over-fertilizing, compaction, or poor drainage.

Thatch can also be a breeding ground for pests and diseases. If you notice your grass is thatching, take steps to improve the health of your lawn. Loosen the soil, improve drainage, reduce fertilizer use and look for the best lawn care service.

2. Grass Stems Are Brittle

If your grass stems are brittle, it’s a sign that your grass needs help. The stems of healthy grass are firm and flexible. When the stems are brittle, it means the grass is under stress and is not getting the nutrients it needs.

There are several possible reasons for this, the soil may be poor, the grass may be too dry, or there may be pests or diseases present.

If you suspect any of these problems, you should hire lawn care services to correct them. Otherwise, your grass will continue to decline and may eventually die.

3. Scalping or Spongy Grass

Scalping or spongy grass are both signs that your grass needs help. If your grass is scalping, it means that the blades are not getting enough nutrients and are not able to grow properly.

This can be due to a number of factors, including lack of sunlight, too much shade, or compacted soil. If your grass is spongy, it means that the roots are not getting enough oxygen and are not able to properly absorb nutrients.

This can be caused by over-watering, poor drainage, or soil that is too moist.

4. Brown or Discolored Grass

Brown or discolored grass is often indicative of a problem with the roots. Roots need oxygen to respire, and when they are waterlogged, they can’t get the oxygen they need.

This can be caused by over-watering, compacted soil, or poor drainage. If you see brown or discolored grass, it’s important to check the roots to see if they are healthy. If the roots are rotted, you will need to replant the grass.

Find Lawn Care Services Now

Without regular lawn care services, your lawn can become home to all sorts of problems. Look out for these four signs that your grass is struggling and take action to give it the support it needs.

With a little extra attention, you can ensure your lawn is healthy and thriving.

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