puppy training tips

New Dog in the Family? 7 Important Puppy Training Tips

VWB Blog 2 years ago 13

Did you know that there are approximately more than 900 million dogs around the world?

If you’ve just brought home a new puppy, you may not be sure where to start with training.

Bringing home a new puppy is a lot of fun, but it can also be a lot of work. Puppies need to be trained to become well-behaved members of your family.

But don’t worry. Please keep reading and check out our puppy training guide to puppy training for puppy training tips you need to know for getting your pup started on the right foot.

1. Start Socialization Early

Puppies are like sponges, soaking up everything around them. That’s why it’s so important to expose them to as many different people, places, and situations as possible.

The more they experience, the better equipped they’ll be to handle anything life throws their way. A confident dog is a happy dog, so socialization is key to raising a well-rounded pet.

Of course, it’s important to take things slowly at first and let your puppy set the pace. They should always feel safe and comfortable, never being pushed outside of their comfort zone.

With a little patience and gentle guidance, you’ll have a furry friend for life who loves new adventures.

2. Housebreaking Is Key

One of the most important things you will need to teach your new puppy is where it is appropriate to go to the bathroom. This is usually one of the hardest things to do.

But with a little patience and consistency, your puppy will get the hang of it in no time.

The key is to be consistent with your training methods and provide frequent opportunities for your puppy to relieve itself in the desired location.

For example, take your puppy outside to the same spot in your yard every time it needs to go. If possible, bring it inside immediately after it has finished so that it doesn’t have a chance to urinate indoors.

3. Obedience Training Is a Must

Every dog owner knows the importance of obedience training. Not only does it help to keep your pup safe, but it’s also a great way to bond with your four-legged friend.

Sit, stay, come, and down are the basic commands that all dogs should know. Sit is probably the most important command, as it can be used in a variety of situations.

For example, if you’re at a busy park and your dog starts to get overwhelmed, you can ask him to sit and he’ll automatically start calming down.

Stay is also an important command for safety reasons. If you’re crossing the street and see a car coming, you can tell your dog to stay and he’ll (hopefully) remain in place until you give him the okay.

Come is important for recall purposes, while down is a great way to get your dog to calm down when he’s feeling energetic. When used correctly, these four commands can be extremely powerful tools.

4. Leash Training Is Essential

Walking on a leash is an important skill for any dog that will be spending time in public places. Not only does it help to keep them safe, but it also shows that they are well-behaved and good citizens.

While it may seem like a daunting task, leash training is quite simple — it just takes patience, consistency, and a little bit of creativity. The first step is to get your pup comfortable wearing a leash.

This can be done by playing fetch with a leash attached to their collar, or simply by letting them drag the leash around the house for a while.

Once they are used to the feel of the leash, you can start working on getting them to walk by your side.

Positive reinforcement can accomplish this by rewarding your dog with treats or praise whenever they walk beside you.

5. Be Careful With Punishment

A puppy is like a blank slate, and it’s up to the owner to shape its behavior. While it’s important to set boundaries and provide discipline, it’s also crucial to avoid using too much force.

Harsh punishments can lead to mistrust and fear, which can cause the puppy to act out in aggressive or destructive ways.

Instead, focus on positive reinforcement and building a strong bond of trust between you and your puppy.

6. Positive Reinforcement Works Best

Dogs are highly intelligent creatures, and they quickly learn what behavior pleases their owners. Whenever your puppy does something you want them to do, be sure to praise and reward them.

This will reinforce good behavior and help them learn what you expect from them.

Puppies are also very eager to please, so if you show them that you’re happy with their behavior, they’ll be more likely to continue doing it. rewards can take the form of treats, petting, or verbal praise.

Whatever you choose, make sure that the reward is given immediately after the desired behavior is displayed. This will help your puppy understand that they are being praised for that particular action.

7. Have Patience

Puppyhood is an exciting time for both dogs and their owners. It’s a time when pups are just learning about the world around them, and everything is new and interesting.

While it can be frustrating at times to deal with a mischievous pup, it’s important to remember that they’re just trying to figure things out.

With patience and guidance, your pup will eventually learn what behaviors are appropriate and become the well-behaved dog you’ve always wanted.

In the meantime, enjoy this special time with your furry friend and cherish all the cute (and sometimes naughty) things they do.

If you want to make sure your new puppy is getting the best food possible, check out the best dog food subscription boxes.

Want More Puppy Training Tips?

Congratulations on your new furry friend! Puppy training can seem daunting, but it’s important to set your puppy up for success. These seven puppy training tips will help you get started.

Be sure to check out our blog regularly for more helpful puppy training advice and dog training tips like this one. Thanks for reading, and have a great day!

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