eye care specialist

How You Know It’s Time to Visit an Optometrist

VWB Blog 2 years ago 9

Did you know that in the past 12 years alone, eye diseases and disorders in the US have risen by 89%?

It’s definitely time to visit an optometrist.

Taking your eye health seriously means scheduling regular checkups with your optometrist. Eye exams should be scheduled at least once every one to two years, even if you don’t have any of these symptoms. However, things become much more urgent if you’re experiencing any red flags or worrisome symptoms.

Read on for our breakdown of all the main causes for concerns that urge you to see an optometrist as soon as possible.

Visit an Optometrist When You Experience Eye Pain

Eye discomfort that occurs seldom and mildly is usually not a cause for alarm, but if the pain persists or is very severe, you should see your eye doctor.

There are occasions when pain is an indication of an eye infection or a more severe health issue.

Eye Fatigue

It’s very uncommon for people to get eye tiredness as a result of spending so much time looking at screens.

It is possible that eye fatigue, whether due to seasonal allergies or the virus, is a warning sign of something more severe. Your eye doctor should be consulted if you find yourself often experiencing eye fatigue despite following the 20/20/20 guideline.

Signs of Eye Infection

It is possible that you have an eye infection if your eyelids are puffy, itchy, or red, or if the whites of your eyes have become a discolored pink color.

Eyes that are diseased may or may not produce discharge, but this does not indicate that they are not sick. An eye exam should be scheduled immediately if you have any suspicions of an infection.

Vision Problems: Difficulty in Vision Focus

Vision changes or difficulty concentrating all of a sudden might indicate a more serious health concern. A trip to the eye doctor is highly recommended if this happens to you. As soon as you notice that your vision is hazy, you should make an appointment with your eye doctor.

There’s no reason to freak out if your eyesight has been growing progressively blurrier over time. Unless your prescription has changed, this is most likely an indication that your eyes are changing. A visit to your optometrist should be scheduled immediately.

Sensitivity to Light

One of the most prevalent symptoms of eye illnesses, diseases, and infections is the inability to tolerate bright light.

An eye exam should be scheduled as soon as possible with your local eye doctor.

Dry or Itchy Eyes

Seasonal allergies and extended screen usage may cause dry and irritated eyes. But it might also be a sign of dry eye.

There are many non-invasive options for treating dry eyes, both at the doctor’s office and at home. Make an appointment with your eye doctor to find out whether you have dry eye.

Seeing Floaters and Spots

No worries if you see flashes or floaters, or spots in your vision. In the translucent gel-like substance (called vitreous) that fills the interior of our eye, there are particles of protein and other tissue embedded. It gets more evident as we get older because the vitreous becomes more fluid.

If you’re seeing flashes of light along with your floaters, it’s possible that you have a detached retina. Some spots here and there aren’t really a big deal, but when you notice a cloud of them, flashes of light, swirly mists or a curtain over part of your eye, you need to get care right away.

Contact your eye doctor or the local emergency facility if you have an urgent problem with your eyesight. Treatment of retinal detachments may save most people’s eyesight or could lead to complete blindness if they aren’t taken care of quickly enough.

Double Vision

Diplopia, or double vision, may develop in either one or both eyes. Astigmatism, dry eye, and keratoconus are all possible causes of monocular double vision. An eye doctor’s visit is necessary to rule out any eye abnormalities that may be causing double vision and to rule out any other probable causes.

Binocular double vision is the condition in which you experience double vision as a result of your eyes not working together correctly. With binocular double vision, each eye is able to see fully independently.

With binocular double vision, our brain receives two separate pictures from our eyes because our eyes are directed at slightly different angles.

Getting an eye exam is the best approach to find out what’s causing double vision in your eyes.

Trouble With Night Blindness

The onset of night blindness, a condition in which a person can see OK in well-lit situations but has difficulty seeing at all in dim ones, is a normal aspect of growing older.

However, having trouble seeing well at night might be an indication that you are developing cataracts. Surgery is the only way to remove cataracts, although your eye doctor might propose ways to delay their advancement.

Make an appointment with an eye care specialist for further information and to get your eyes examined.

Issues With Near or Distant Vision

Make an appointment with your eye doctor if you find yourself straining to see traffic signs or holding your book at arm’s length to read the small print.

Near or far vision changes are often a sign that your prescription has been altered. Even if the changes are slight, you should still see your eye doctor to prevent putting yourself at risk of developing eye problems.


If not adequately controlled, diabetes has the potential to harm our eyes.

Diabetic retinopathy occurs when the tiny blood vessels in our retinas are damaged by an excess of sugar in our blood. Diabetic retinopathy is an elevated risk for diabetics of all ages, regardless of type. Regular eye examinations are essential for catching eye problems before they lead to vision loss.

Your eye doctor may suggest that you get a diabetic eye exam at least once a year since diabetic eyes need special attention. Your next diabetic eye exam should be scheduled as soon as possible if you have not had one in over a year.

Seeing an Eye Specialist: The Warning Signs

Sometimes we don’t actually appreciate our eyes and eyesight until something goes wrong. You don’t have to wait until an issue appears to go visit an optometrist.

We hope that our guide has given you the boost you need to better take care of your eyes. Next, you’ll want to check out our health section for all the tips and advice you need.

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