bad eyesight

Do you Have Bad Eyesight? 9 Ways To Tell

VWB Blog 2 years ago 8

Did you know that approximately 2.2 billion people worldwide have some sort of vision impairment? And in about 1 billion of these cases, their conditions were able to be prevented.

In your case, are you struggling to read? Is your vision blurry or spotty? If you answered yes to those questions, you might have a problem with your eyesight.

Bad vision can be frustrating, especially if it prevents you from doing things others take for granted. Fortunately, in some cases, your vision impairment can be easily prevented or improved. Here are nine common bad eyesight symptoms you should look out for.

1. Struggling To See Well

If you’re struggling to read text or see distances clearly, then it may be a symptom of poor vision. You might also struggle to read signs while driving or measure the distance from other drivers, which can be dangerous.

Perhaps during the day, while performing everyday tasks, you find yourself squinting or adjusting the distance or angle of things to see clearer. Or maybe you have to look down or up at things from lower angles to make them more easily visible.

2. Abrupt Eye Pain

Every time you change your focus from close to far distances, your eyes experience a change in pressure. If this change happens too suddenly, you may experience pain. This is normal if you’ve worn glasses or contacts for a long time and the pressure on your eyes has suddenly changed.

However, if you’re experiencing frequent eye pain, it’s a sign that your eyesight is bad. Notice any eye pain you experience, and if you notice any other changes in your eyesight, such as blurriness.

3. Constant Eye Straining

Constant eye strain is one of the most common symptoms of bad eyesight. It means that your eyes are straining all the time, and it can cause blurred vision and headaches.

You may be more likely to experience constant eye strain if you spend a lot of time staring at computer screens or reading small print. Constant eye-straining can be very uncomfortable, and it can also have a major impact on your quality of life.

4. You see Flashes Of Light

This symptom suggests that your lens is experiencing an uneven pressure, and your optometrist can advise you on how to prevent excessive strain on your eyes. Your eyes may experience a sudden change in focus from far to near, or your lens might be experiencing an uneven pressure from side to side.

Seeing a bright flash of light in one eye or a blurry flash of light is a good sign you should visit an eye doctor. Your doctor will examine your eyes, and they might recommend changes in your diet or how long to wear your spectacles to prevent strain on your eyes.

5. Sudden Blurred Vision

Suddenly seeing blurry images or blurred vision, even for just a few seconds, is a very dangerous sign. You should immediately seek medical attention if this happens, as it can be a sign of an eye infection or a retinal detachment.

Blurred vision may also be a sign of dry eye syndrome. Dry eye syndrome occurs when the tears that keep your eyes healthy and moist don’t flow as well as they should, causing dryness in your eyes and sometimes pain. Dry eye syndrome can also cause blurry vision.

6. Sensitive to Light

Sensitivity to light, also known as photophobia, can be a sign of one of several eye disorders. It’s the most common symptom of retinitis pigmentosa, a form of degeneration that affects the retina and results in blurred vision, night blindness, and a loss of peripheral vision. People with this condition often need to wear glasses while indoors.

Some people also experience sensitivity to light after cataract surgery. Photophobia is also seen in some cases of glaucoma, where the pressure in the eye rises due to debris or excess fluid blockage. This can cause blurred vision and even pain.

7. Frequent Headaches

The feeling of pressure behind your eyes, throbbing or pounding in the head, and sensitivity to light are all tell-tale signs of untreated vision problems. Although it is unclear what causes frequent headaches, they could be caused by anything from a lack of sleep to poor posture and eye strain.

If your headaches are severe, then you must get them checked out right away, as they could be a sign of glaucoma. It could also be a sign you need some good reading glasses, which you can find at

8. Dry Eyes

Dry eyes are a common sign of poor vision. It’s usually due to a lack of moisture in the eyes, which leads to tiny tears that can’t effectively coat the eye’s surface. The result is dry, itchy, and irritated eyes. Like other health conditions, dry eyes are best treated with a combination of prevention and treatment options.

9. Onset Of Floaters

Floaters are specks or spots of light that appear in your eye. They are usually caused by the buildup of debris on the eye’s surface, but they can also be caused by other conditions, including age-related macular degeneration. Floaters are typically harmless and don’t necessarily mean you have any vision problems.

However, they can be bothersome if they interfere with your everyday tasks. If you notice a sudden onset of floaters, it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor right away.

Visit Your Doctor If You Have Bad Eyesight

If you’re experiencing any of the above symptoms of bad eyesight, it’s important to visit an eye doctor. An eye exam will thoroughly assess your eyes and help you determine the best way to preserve your vision. Your eye medic will be able to provide treatment and give you some preventative tips that can help improve your vision.

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