take a road trip

5 Essential Tips for When You Take a Road Trip

VWB Blog 2 years ago 0

Roadtrips have been increasing in popularity recently, with a 33 percent increase in international driving permits since 2019.

If you want to take a road trip, though, there are a few things you can do to prepare in advance. Whether you’re traveling internationally or domestically, we’ve got you covered.

Here are five tips for preparing for your next road trip.

1. Prepare for the Worst

The best thing you can do before your road trip is to prepare for the worst — especially if you’re traveling with kids.

That means packing a first aid kit, extra paper towels and wipes for accidents, and even an extra leash or food to prep your pet. Whatever you need to make the trip go as smoothly as possible is worth bringing along.

2. Plan Activities

If you’re traveling, this might look like making an extra few pit stops along the way to see some sights. If you’re traveling with others, though, a great thing you can do is plan out road trip games, or bring along other things to do.

Whether it’s movies, games, road trip bingo, books, or even devices, having entertainment for everyone in the car is crucial for ensuring your sanity on the way to your destination.

3. Know Local Travel Laws

This one is crucial if you’re traveling in new areas, like across state or international lines. There are a lot of places you can get this information, especially on different violations and citations to be on the lookout for.

Moving violations vs. non-moving ones are a great place to start, and you can learn more here if you’re curious.

4. Know Your Transportation

Next, how are you traveling? If you’re taking your car, then it’s important to take steps to prepare it. If you’re taking an RV, be sure to perform maintenance checks (checking batteries, ensuring there aren’t leaks, stocking up on food and other essentials, etc.), if you’re taking a rental, then take a few extra minutes before you pick it up to make sure everything is good to go.

5. Create a Schedule

If you’re traveling with family, creating a schedule is a great move to make.

You don’t necessarily have to write things down, but creating a list of activities everyone can do (like quiet time, screen time, game time, or book time for the kids) is a good way to know you have options to fall back on. Quiet time is especially important if your kids are young enough to still need naps. Even if they’re not, though, it gives parents a good hour or two of guaranteed quiet time during the drive.

Ready to Take a Road Trip?

Now that we’ve gone over a few of the best basics for taking a road trip, are you ready to get started? Whether you’re traveling alone or with family, leaving during the busy season, or cruising through empty roads, these few tips are sure to help you enjoy your trip.

For more on the latest in travel and lifestyle, check out the rest of our website.

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